Wie geht erfolgreiche User Experience?
Unser erster Meetup im neuen Jahr(zehnt) beschäftigte sich mit der Frage, wie das Thema User Experience erfolgreich in Unternehmen eingebunden werden kann. Dazu hatten wir zwei Vorträge, die aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln die Herausforderungen beleuchteten, denen sich Teams, Organisationen und externe Auftragnehmer beim Streben nach einem guten Nutzungserlebnis gegenübersehen.
Vielen Dank an unseren neuen Gastgeber, die Talend Germany GmbH. Am 27.02.2020 trafen wir uns um 19:00 Uhr bei Talend in der Baunscheidtstraße 17 (in der Nähe vom Trajektknoten, hinter der Museumsmeile).
Design Collaboration in Agile Software Development
A Discussion of challenges and best practices
Ulcay will share her design collaboration experiences with agile software development. The examples of challenges and methods she will present will build up the basis for the group discussion on best practices for creating meaningful and quality user experiences.
Ulcay Yildizoglu is senior interaction designer at Talend. Before she joined the Talend UX team, she has worked as a usability engineer and one-person UX team in the IT and software industry.

Hans-Joachim Belz
How to unsuck your Organization
Unternehmenskultur und UX
As a product-minded human, working for a huge corporation can sometimes feel like a drag. Initiative and flexibility is low. Few people outside your team understand what is needed. Some departments seem to outright work against you. And all those processes and meetings. Do you know this feeling?
Conventional wisdom dictates that the bigger companies are, the slower and less effective they operate. Hence, corporations adopt agile and lean, they flatten their hierarchies and urge their employees to „fail“. And still, many are utterly missing the point. What does it really take for complex organizations to act quickly and decisively?
This talk starts as a rant and ends as a rave and with it I want to provide you with a different perspective on what the core problem of big – and not so big organisations – is today. I promise not to introduce shiny new methods. Instead, I will provide you with some surprising insights and help you to better phrase some things you always felt to be right.
HansJoachim Belz (Twitter: @minutefforts) is a freelancing designer and coach. In his career, he has worked quite a lot for big dysfunctional corporations. Maybe that is, why he trained as a systemic coach and why today he is so passionate about the human-centric design of products and organisations. He is also quite aware that (sustainable) organisations need to earn money. So what are the basic requisites of a humane organisation that can outperform its competitors?
Bitte beachtet: Nur für angemeldete Teilnehmer können wir einen Sitzplatz/die Teilnahme garantieren!
Noch ein Hinweis: Während der Veranstaltungen werden von uns (UXBN Orga-Team) Fotos zu Zwecken der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit gemacht. Mit Eurer Teilnahme am Meetup erklärt Ihr Euch hiermit einverstanden.
Unsere nächsten Termine
23. April 2020 @ webfactory
18. Juni 2020 @ Aktion Mensch
20. August 2020 @ Chefkoch GmbH
Wir suchen DICH!
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